What is your Destination


Everyone has an eternal destination.  There are only 2 choices. 

1) Hell with its eternal torments and a fire that always burns but never consumes.

2) Heaven with the Creator of all things, Master of all things, and Savior of all man kind.  Where there is no sorrow, no tears, no pain and no darkness.


Unfortunately by default our eternal destination is Hell. You might be saying to yourself, "That's not fair!  I'm a good person.  I don't hurt anyone, I try to do the right thing......Etc."  The truth is it really isn't fair, but not for the reasons you think.  If we are all really honest with ourselves we would have to say that we have told more than a few lies in our lives, maybe taken a few things that aren't ours (change, office supplies, time that is supposed to belong to our employer), we have probably even looked at someone else's life and wished we had what they have.  If you said yes to any one of those things then you just like all the rest of us are a sinner.  In the book of Exodus God gives Moses 2 tables of stone which hold the 10 commandments.  Commandment number 9 is thou shalt not bear false witness (lie), commandment number 8 is thou shalt not steal, commandment number 10 is thou shalt not covet.  That makes us liars, thieves, and covetous.  Now that may not sound like really "bad" sin.  I mean after all we haven't killed anyone right?  Well the Bible talks about that too.   James 2:10 tells us, "For whosoever shall keep the whole law, and yet offend in one point, he is guilty of all."  That means that even the little white lies that we tell make us liars and transgress the law of God so we are now guilty of the whole law.  That is a crime we cannot pay for.  Imagine this you are standing in a court room in front of a judge and he is reading your verdict.  Guilty on all counts.  The judgement against you that you must pay before your debt is covered is death.  Romans 6:23a "For the wages of sin is death;"  You shout at the judge, "But it was just a little white lie.  I can't pay that for a little white lie."  Remember James 2:10 one little white lie is the same as committing murder, and adultery, and theft, and being covetous, and idolatry, and blasphemy, and ... Ect.  That doesn't change the fact that you still can't pay the penalty.  The judge continues, "but someone else has already paid your debt.  Will you accept it?"  Romans 6:23b "but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord."  You see a little over 2000 years ago Jesus Christ went to a place called Calvary.  There he was beaten, mocked, and crucified unjustly.  He was buried in a borrowed tomb, and three days later he arose from the dead paying the penalty for your sin.  John 3:16 tells us, "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life."  God is giving you a gift.  It is all wrapped up with your name on it.  All you have to do is accept it.  Place your faith and trust in Jesus Christ and Christ alone.  It is only through Christ's sacrifice that our penalty can be paid and the judgement can be settled.